During the American Revolution
Joseph Martin’s 18-year-old son, Joseph Jr., joined a regiment and marched for New York. The records of the Flying Camp have largely been lost, but circumstantial evidence suggests that he might be the Lieutenant Joseph Martin of Baxter’s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, commissioned in June, 1776. The disruption of families, the local economy, and the social structure took its toll in various ways. Once independence was declared, businesses were required to accept paper Continental dollars or face prosecution if they refused. Hard money was scarce in the best of times before the war, and each colony printed its own paper currency. Pennsylvania currency was in pounds and shillings valued at a lower rate than British sterling, but it remained fairly stable. Continental dollars were backed by nothing but faith, and many people refused to accept them. Those who did often faced financial ruin.The difficulties caused by the war, his age, and perhaps even his son’s enlistment, may have induced 59 year old Joseph Martin to once more give up the tavern. On February 21st, 1776, the Tavern was listed for sale in the Pennsylvania Gazette. The purchaser was Captain Abraham Marshall, grandson of Abraham Marshall I and nephew of Humphrey Marshall.Marshall bought the tavern but did not become the tavern keeper. Several weeks after the purchase, on May 28, 1776, Robert Peoples applied for the tavern license, which states, “That he hath Rented, the Tavern lately kept by Joseph Martin known by the Name of the Center House.